Drew Wheaton


Drew Wheaton has been the Artistic and Musical Director of Great River Voices since May, 2023 and is the tenor of the 2016 International Barbershop Quartet champions, Forefront, baritone of the 2024 International 2nd Place Barbershop Quartet, First Take. He holds music degrees from McGill University and the University of Louisville and a Masters of Music in Choral Conducting at U of L.

Drew is a full time learning track producer with Choral Tracks, as well as his own company, Drew Wheaton Music. Drew has also been active as a coach and clinician, coaching barbershop various quartets and choruses, directing youth barbershop camps, and teaching at various contemporary a cappella workshops and camps (Kettering National A Cappella Festival, Camp A Cappella, etc.). He also is a live sound engineer for contemporary a cappella concerts throughout Louisville and southern Indiana.

Drew lives in Louisville with his beautiful wife, Kris, who is also an award-winning barbershop singer (2013 and 2023 International Harmony Incorporated Quartet Champion), along with their two amazing sons and wonderful daughter.

(Last Updated 07/11/24)